Paddle Victoria Volunteer of the Year Award


Paddle Victoria Members – Don’t forget we will be starting to ask for nominations for our Club/ Discipline Volunteer of the year.  Start thinking about who would be a worthy recipient from your Club!

Head to our Volunteer Awards page to read about our worthy Volunteers from the last couple of years and think about who you would like to nominate this year.

Attracting and retaining volunteers is not easy, largely because volunteering involves freedom of choice on the part of the volunteer. People who feel empowered, rewarded and appreciated in their volunteer role are more likely to contribute to, and continue in that role. Implementing a comprehensive and successful volunteer program requires time, commitment and personnel, as well as an understanding of why people volunteer.

A well-managed and designed volunteer program will acknowledge the reasons for volunteering and strive to meet the needs of the volunteers by recognising their contribution. Success in doing so will return many benefits, both to the volunteer and the organisation they work for.

Contact the office if you would like some ideas and tips to attract more Volunteers to your Club or Discipline!


Tuesday September 3rd, 2024 3:35pm -> Monday April 10th, 2017 1:55pm

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